Monday 25 November 2013


Ade: Because many of our film trailer influences consist of voice-overs, we thought it would be highly relevant to incorporate this aspect into our trailer. Voice-overs tend to make trailers emotional, and sometimes provides an insight into what genre the film would be depending on the style of the voice.

Voice-overs also guide the audience throughout the trailer, keeping them attentive and prevents confusion within the audience. We used Amanda's voice within the trailer because she's the protagonist, as well as her councillor, Jane. This allows there to be a sort of 'call and response' ('question and answer') to occur which enables Anna to explain some of her feeling within the conversation.

However, as it is a trailer, we did understand that we had to articulately use voice-over so that we can keep the storyline ambiguous. Before the voice-overs were recorded we wrote out the dialogue we wanted both characters to say.

Below is the pre-written script for voice-overs.  We did not want our characters to simply rely on improvisation of words, so it was only proper to write a script for the voice overs.

Clare: We recorded the voice overs on my camera but then we later detached the audio from the scene and used only the audio. This is because when we attempted to record on the Mac computer during the lesson, there was too much background noise. We thought this could be removed using the adjustment selection, however it gave a strange 'underwater effect' and made the speech rather unclear and slurred. This is why we had to take the recording session to a quieter part of the school and film it there to then later transport the sound over.

Amanda: We know that voice-overs also make the trailer much more personal. It is almost as if the protagonist is directly talking to you (the audience). As Ade previously said, we used 'Jane's' voice to add in the response. This was also to change the tone and pitch during the trailer. We know that listening to the same person can be boring, so adding in another voice lessens the chance of that and also adds in an adults response. This also appeals to the more mature, elder females who could be our target audience. We mentioned old women (mums) would watch the film to learn about bullying and to look for signs to help their own children.

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