Tuesday 19 November 2013

Background Noise Issues


When filming the scenes with the psychiatrist talking in our school's isolation room, there was actually a school janitor cleaning and hoovering, creating very loud background noise which we particularly noticed when it came to editing. Since we wanted our audience to pay full attention to the dialogue and not be distracted by the background noise, we knew it was a necessity to find a way to remove it. We did some research on the internet until we found a Youtube tutorial which guided us to remove the irrelevant sound.

To overcome the sound issue, we detached the audio and then used the audio enhancement selection on Final Cut Pro which gave us the option to increase background noise removal. This made the speech a lot clearer in our clip and removed all the fuzzy, distracting noises. This tool is extremely useful, and we will keep using it for our other sound recordings to reduce any unwanted noise and give our trailer that professional feel. Background noise also defers attention away from the voice of the character. We think it's crucial for the main focus to be the voices so the audience know and understanding what they are saying.Amanda: with Fran Long (the therapist) we wanted it to sound loud and as if they were in an isolated room. We think the lack of sound achieved this successfully. 

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