Friday 15 November 2013

Editing Problems :-(

Clare: After adding some music in we replayed our trailer to observe it as a whole and look at in terms of what we still had left to add and improve on. However, we noticed that after several replays, we had a frame dropping error on the clips of Anna walking home and the time lapse. After researching this and finding out possible solutions, we realised it could be due to the high quality of the recording equipment we used, and therefore it wouldn't actually affect the rendered outcome of our trailer. Just to double check this, we imported our (still in progress) video to YouTube to see if it had affected the fluidity of our trailer. we discovered that this wasn't an issue and there were no random jumping notions within our exported version, so for now we think we should brush this issue aside and continue the editing progress! 
Amanda: Also, we later on discovered this was happening to another group in our class. knowing that this is a common issue that doesn't need to be resolved lightened our stress. We realised the speed of the time lapse could also be causing the clips to jump and glitch, so we slowed the time lapse clips down by a second. 

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