Thursday 14 November 2013

Editing The Trailer - Cutting Down and Casting Names!

Clare: We have begun the editing for our trailer now as we have completely finished our filming process! We have cut down all of our clips to the appropriate sizes and ordered them together in the right away. We have also began to sort out voice overs and are now attaching the main title and credits/narratives. 


Clare: The screen grabs above demonstrate the editing process of importing in our trailer sequence credits. We have decided to use the same font called 'Brain Flower' from consistently throughout our trailer, to maintain a strict uniform and theme. We decided to put main actor names on top of certain clips as we did in our opening sequence last year, because it is a more appropriate way of displaying the important people rather than separating the clips and inserting them there which ruins the flow of the trailer. Above is an example of this. We are now moving onto narrative style credits which we plan to place in between certain clips later on. However, we will need to carry out this process using LiveType as we wish to make the credits appear in the style of our main title where the letters come in one by one in a typing style. We undertook this process before and it took a very long time as we had to transfer each letter  individually onto Photoshop and edit it on there prior to transporting to LiveType and making sure each letter was positioned correctly, which is why we am apprehensive about it, but we will have to see how it goes! Also, we kept the credits over the clips to keep a continuous flow throughout our trailer. We don't want people to get distracted from the storyline, with credits on a separate screen. Most trailers (like 'Cyberbully') who are building up to drama, and containing a voiceover, have credits on top of the clips, keeping the flow.

Ade: Although, we were aware that it would be a long process to edit each letter in Photoshop before making it appear in chronological order, however, we couldn't neglect this and we wanted it to look professional and synchronise with the scenes. Of course, to carry on continuity, we acknowledged that we had to keep the same font type throughout the trailer, this why we used the font 'brain flower' font from the 'dafont' website; we hope to continue using this font throughout our work. LiveType software was an important part of this process. We had all previously used it in our AS coursework's and knew that it would be incredibly useful when putting together our credits and finding useful and suitable effects when it appeared within our trailer. Although we have some credits on the scenes which are important cast names, we will have some credits on a plain black background as they are the narrative tells and are useful in informing the audience about our film, making it more dramatic and emotional. The credits will also, as well as being synchronised with our scenes it also has to go with the music that we intend to use. 

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