Friday 22 November 2013

Making End Credits

Original Idea:

Improved/Faster Idea:

Clare: We originally thought to create our end titles in LiveType, however this was way too time consuming and since our deadline was approaching, we had to find another method. In Final Cut Pro it gave us the option to use pre-made title credits and adjust the text to our personal desire. It set out the end credits in a similar style to what we had previously planned e.g. it displayed the main people involved with the film such as the director and editor. We have decided to stick with this process because it is a lot more time-efficient and looks a lot more professional as we are using much more classy font as opposed to using the same one we used for our main title. Also, having a font for less important credits also shows the difference between the main credits shown on the clip. 
Amanda: Using a smaller and more concise font meant we could fit all of our desired credits onto the screen. in most trailers, the end screen credits are in a plain font like 'Arial' 

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