Monday 25 November 2013


A Tagline is a slogan which creates a memorable phrase. They are commonly used in posters for films as they are interesting and make the audience want to find out more or see how it relates to the film, some of them can also sum up the film. They relate to the genre and what happens in the film.

Clare: ‘The Perks of Being  Wallflower’ film was inspired by the book, written by Stephen Chbosky. It is known as a coming of age teenage film, which follows the life of the protagonist Charlie through his letters that he writes in his Freshman year. The tagline is of a different font to the title but is the same for the actors names and the information that it is from a novel. I think this is a good idea as it makes the title stand on its own more and is therefore more of a focus than the tagline. However, it does keep to the colour scheme by being black like the rest of the colours, I like the use of colour for the titles as it contrasts well with the bright background of the wall, making me realise that for our film poster we should focus mainly on what colours will stand out more than what colours we personally want to use. What I also like about the tagline is that it fits perfectly in the background as it is in the frame of one of the bricks, the effect of this being that it blends well with the poster and therefore does not have more of an emphasis than the title. As for the actual words of the tagline, the quote “WE ARE INFINITE” is known famously among the audience that had already read the book before the film was released, which means the tagline is most likely trying to relate to a niche audience. However, the tagline also becomes a remarkable quote in the film, helping to develop the characters. Therefore, the poster is preparing the audience to watch the film.

Angus , thongs and perfect snogging is another example of a teen film that utilises a tagline. Its tagline is 'Georgia Nicholson is not going mental, but her life is angus, thongs and perfect snogging'. As this is a comedic film, the use of irony is appropriate and playful. The bright colours are also suitable for the poster and the different font sizes further enhances this playful, not-serious sort of feel. For our film poster, it may be useful to incorporate a sort of 'ironic' or play on words tagline. However, the bright colours and the multiple font sizes may not be appropriate for our poster because our film is more dramatic and sinister. However, we should use something creative and thought provoking but also memorable for our audience. 


We like the effect of this poster. The tagline 'the truth will find you.' is very effective. The layout of this poster is great. The rick colour contrasting the background with Jim Carrey's face creates a focus on him. The lighting almost makes him look lifeless. The tagline is small, yet the harsh red colour makes it stand out. We don't like the monochrome theme, we would much rather have a blue/green colour to neutralise the poster and make it less horror themed. The tagline is short, punchy and draws people in. The poster doesn't reveal what the film is about, however reveals the genre, which again is what we want to achieve. The font is kept throughout the poster, and even in the credits of the film, which creates a professional feel.

We have come up with some taglines that can relate to our trailer and the theme of teen drama. These are as followed:

  • "A journey to regain her past"
  • "A journey took to regain her past"
  • "What took years to build, broke down in an instance"
  • "Follow her path, learn her story"

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