Monday 25 November 2013

Production Logo: Finished

Clare: We initially had problems with the sizing of our logo after we had exported it as a Quick time file, as it was too small for our liking and had a huge black border which decreased the professional look of our trailer. As it is a huge aspect of our trailer, we knew it was essential to fix to give that enhancement.

However, after exploring different
methods, for example we attempted to alter the properties on Motion, we couldn't resolve the sizing issue. We then realised that it could be enlarged in Final Cut Pro, by adjusting the scale under the 'transform' option. This quickly gave it the prominence we desired. This also meant that we could finally export our finished trailer and post it to YouTube. Seeing as our production company did not work with any other company on our trailer, we wanted to make sure our logo stands out. Our logo taking up the whole space on the screen creates our desired effect

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