Wednesday 4 December 2013

Film Poster Options

Amanda and Ade: Whilst creating our poster on photoshop, we started to get used to the different tools and other advanced  options that we could use to create our film poster; whilst doing so, we ended up with the two different posters in the above which we thought could be an option for us. We were intrigued by these two posters in the above, however, we preferred the blue one. This is because the fade element was less sinister than the black. The colours also don't attract only a female audience.

We felt that not including Anna's face and just having the words make it seem like she has no identity, other than the one people in school gave her. it's almost as if the bullying consumed all parts of her life, even her personality. The fact that Anna's face wasn't there is contrast to the insight into the character as we initially desired. We liked the simple yet abstract look of the poster. However, a few people said it represented a book cover and was plain.

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