Wednesday 4 December 2013

Blog Feedback

Amanda and Adeola: We are very pleased with our current feedback. However, we are aiming for an A grade. Therefore we need to make these certain improvements. In our evaluation we shall use more types of IT. For example, we will film ourselves answering a question, and use a Prezi. This way our blog won't be tedious and repetitive. We feel like we equally share our the written work and all contribute well. Our teamwork is sound and we communicate well with each other. Due to this, we know that our blog is detailed and thorough. However, we understand that we need to allow new and different ideas to emerge within our group to allow our blog to be more appealing and methodological. Overall, we are pleased with our feedback, we hope to continue to provide "detailed and in depth" research and effectively analyse each task.

Clare: We could also use programmes such as Powerpoint and Slideshare to demonstrate our work on, as this would communicate a broader use of ICT which is what we are lacking in, as we have currently only been doing basic blog posts. However, we have shown great detail in our blog and we will keep up with this to show a strong connection between our ideas and final outcomes.

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