Wednesday 4 December 2013

Film Poster Completed Tagline

Ade: Of all our tagline ideas, we've decided, the one 'A Journey To Regain Her Past' is very suitable for film poster and reflects the content within the actual film. 
Similar to most tagline's that influenced our film poster, our tagline is short and simple. This allows it to grab the audience's attention before evoking curiosity within the minds of potential audience.
The tagline, although short and simple is complex in a way. This is because it reflects the content of the film and vaguely hints that there is a chain of events which result to Anna's search of Anna's happiness. 

Amanda: We particularly like  the fact the tagline doesn't hint the drama element in the film. We didn't want to reveal to the audience of Anna's drug taking and her mother's alcoholism through the poster. 
Our tagline is in the same font (brain flower) as our credits in the trailer and our poster title. This was because we wanted to be professional and keep a continuous link throughout our work. Below, you can see our tagline. We made sure it was relatively bigger than the credits to show its importance, however, it is smaller than our title so the viewer knows that it in an insight into what our film is about.

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