Wednesday 4 December 2013

Film Poster Editing Continued

Amanda: We based our film credits on this particular poster. This was mainly because the credits were small and didn't divert from the main image. We also liked the use of monochrome colouring for the text to contrast with the background. The colour scheme was kept the same and also represented the dark, sinister element of the film, the red/orange fire represented the aspect of danger in the film. Saying this, we didn't like the fact that this poster contained the main actors names. We want our poster to be ambiguous and not reveal who is starring in it as we want an element of mystery. We particularly like the tagline as it gives the audience an insight into the film, yet doesn't tell them anything. We think that batman should have been photographed closer to make him seem even more powerful and intimidating. We want a close up of Anna so that there is no diversion of attention, like in this poster.

 Ade: To give us an in depth idea of how  realistic, professional credits appear within a film poster, we looked more into individual film credits. This one is very good. It includes all members who helped out but were not as prominent. The production companies are evident and in addition, others who were involved in the making. The credit also reveals members of the sound crew, make up and those who occupied the 'engineering' aspect of the film. What makes the credit most effective is the fact that the release date is made apparent-in large and bold writing, this is an aspect we hope to include in our poster as it is a significant part of manoeuvring an audience to watch our film.

Ade: This is another example of a good and effective credit, within a film poster. The variation of text size is enhanced. However, the text type was not as clear and readable as the one in the above, this is a flaw we intend to avoid when making our own. Furthermore, the use of production company logos were unprofessional and too playful within this credit unlike in the one above. We want to include the production company logos within our own poster as we see it as an important part of the poster. The release date is also vague within this poster. Whereas the credits above gives a specific release date '28 Jan', these credits merely says 'coming soon', this doesn't anticipate for the release of the film.

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