Saturday 5 October 2013

Target Audience

As part of our target audience research, we devised questionnaires and asked individuals questions relating to the theme of our trailer and if they think it would be a successful storyline.

The questions are as followed:

1) How old are you?
2) What is your favourite genre?
3) Would you watch a teenage drama?
4) What is your opinion on the subject of bullying in films/TV?
5) Based on our 25 word pitch, would you watch this film?

6) Who do you think the target audience should be?

We recorded our peers answers through the cameras on our phones and made a video of our results:

1. Which of the four quadrant(s) would your film appeal to? 

We think our film would most definitely appeal to women who are under 25. However, we can see from the user ratings behind the film 'Cyberbully' that most viewers were women over the age of 30. We agreed this may have been mothers, to become more aware of teenage issues to help their children. We highly doubt males will be appealed to our film because there are no young ales featured in our film, plus the idea of bullying isn't stereotypically what males want to watch. 

2. What is the target audience for the films you looked at when looking for influences? 


We decided to research into the target audiences for the films that we looked at for our influences. We used the IMDB website to find out the user ratings for each film and analysed the differences between male and female voting and also focused on the age groups.

After looking at the statistics for the film "Cyberbully", I found that females under the age of 18 had the highest average (7.5) and the lowest average were males aged 30-44 (4.9). From this we can conclude that this teenage drama which focuses on bullying is typical of a teenage girl to watch. Middle aged men find the film least appealing which is understandable because of the focus on school/teenage life; again why it would become such an interest to young adults and not elders. However, I did discover that females aged 45+ had an average of 7.0, suggesting that there are parents, typically mothers, watching the film because they are interested in the prospect of their child's online life and the affects it can have on them socially and emotionally. This could perhaps increase their understanding on teenage struggles plus encouraging them to help their daughters in certain situations involving bullying.


The statistics for "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" show that females under 18 has the highest average (8.9). The lowest average were males and females over 30 (7.6). This is because it is based on teenagers and school issues. This does not apply to the older generations of people. 

"Odd Girl Out" had the lowest average of 5.8 from males under 18, females under 18 had an average of 7.3, higher than the males. Females from 18-29 also had a close average of 7.1. The title will be a put off for most males. It immediately reveals it's a girl with teen issues, most guys stereotypically want action films. 


The film 'Trust' had a lower rating from males (6.9), compared with the average of females (7.0). This shows women were more receptive of the film, as it is a film from a female perspective, the males in this film (the dad and the rapist) were portrayed negatively. Also the older males average was higher than the younger male average, shows that older males were more concerned and it was more educational for them than the younger males who might have not taken it as seriously or were not as interested due to the female protagonist.

3. Are there any other audience groups that your film may appeal to?

It appeals to females over 45, as well as teenagers because it's a pressing issue in teenage culture which has a massive impact on mothers and carers. Also, from our target audience research for 'Cyberbully' and 'Trust', we found that a large quantity of females aged 45+ watched the films. We think this is because they can get an idea of how to cope with issues such as bullying and violence and encourage them to talk to their daughters about these issues.

4. What other 'niche' factors could be considered about how you might appeal to an audience?

Because it is a teen drama, directed mainly to teenagers, the teens would be able to relate to the storyline; as a consequence, discussions and talks will emerge amongst these young people in schools and other places. The storyline consists of all-inclusive themes aside of bullying, problems to do with alcohol and drugs are briefly touched upon and therefore the film is educational. In addition, although we focus predominantly on the aspect of bully, we explore different elements of it such as cyber bullying, physical bullying, mental bullying and neglect. 

5. What different 'tribes' of youth may be especially interested in your film?

We know that mainstream 'Townies' will like this film as the school is a public school, in an town in London. We also think 'Emo's' will be interested in this film. Even though it is not stereotypically themed for an emo audience, there are elements of isolation, negativity and the prospect of being misunderstood. 

6. Would your film be limited to a UK audience or might it have a global appeal?

Even though it s British based, with British actors, our film could apply to a global audience. It is based in a public school, it is revolved around the global subject of bullying. A lot of people can relate to this, meaning it is not limited. Also there are no British references/jokes/remarks, again showing it isn't limited. 

7. What limitations are there on your production?

Our film is British, this limits a mass audience. Most American films/blockbusters are very popular and have a global appeal. Also, our film has no well - known stars, making it more difficult to advertise and make our film popular. Our film is not produced by a popular production company, meaning it will be harder to advertise. 

Clare: Overall, I believe that our film is targeted at 12-16 year olds, mainly girls, who are going through that developing stage at school in which they begin to encounter bullying and substances such as alcohol and drugs. These elements create an appealing storyline to those who are going through certain issues with both school friends and family members. 33

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