Wednesday 9 October 2013



For the majority of our trailer, we see the main character Anna wearing quite casual clothes. This includes a hoodie, jeans and Converse shoes. We wanted this look to demonstrate an effortless appearance and to show how her home life has really effected her outside personality as well as her inside. We contrasted this look with the girly, pretty look she had at the beginning of the trailer which showed her at her highest, happiest point with her friends and family.

Here is an example of the look which Anna's character has when we see her with her friends and with her family at the start of the trailer. From this costume, we can identify with Anna's original personality characteristics, as it shows she is a typical, girly teenager. When she is walking alongside her friends, who are wearing a similar style of costume, it also highlights the idea that she is in unison with them and fits in them with more, compared to later on when we see her in the relaxed clothing (jeans, Converse, etc.)


This is the average daily outfit Anna's mother will wear. The casual jeans and plain jumper show lack of dedication to appearance. Also, all of our mums wear something similar to this. We want to present Anna and her family as average as possible. This add to the realism of our film. It also has the hidden message of 'this can happen to anyone'. The outfit is similar to Anna's outfit when Anna is depressed. This links the two characters together in the fact that both have become lazy and want to go unnoticed. 

These jeans and t-shirt show what Anna's father would normally wear. Again, the casual look presents him as friendly, average and very 'daddish'. 

Ade: Overall, non of our characters need any elaborate, over the top, celebratory clothing. Most of our characters need casual clothing, to keep the scenes natural and makes it seem more realistic if the characters are wearing something that they would wear on their day to day lives. 

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