Tuesday 8 October 2013

Casting Shots

Name: Amanda Thompson
Character: Anna
Reason for c
asting: Amanda is suitable to perform the role of 'Anna' because she has had some acting experience after studying GCSE Drama. She also fits the character well because Anna is a normal, typical teenage girl at the beginning of the story, but then various courses of events effect this later on, and we think Amanda can emotionally depict these ideas. It is also easier to have the main character as someone who is also working on our Media piece because of her availability to us. We were going to use a friend from school, however, seeing as we were filming in Amanda's house, we agreed it would be easiest for us to use Amanda as there are childhood pictures scattered around the house, using another person wold mean removing these pictures, making the house seem less homely and unloved, portraying a cold atmosphere. 

Name: Liz Thompson
Character: Mum
Reason for c
asting: She is Amanda's actual mother. This means there is already a bond between the two, so acting together comfortably wasn't an issue. My mum is 52, we agreed that being in your 50's is an average age for a mum. She dresses in simple clothes (jeans and t-shirt), just like any other normal mother. Also, my mum doesn't work so she was available for whenever we needed her for filming. 

Name: Dave Langton
Character: Dad
Reason for c
asting: He is Amanda's mum's partner. He also has a bond between Liz and Amanda. He also dresses in simple jeans and t-shirt. This outfit makes him seem friendly and 'daddish' and is again the average age of a parent. We wanted a tall man with a large frame as this is stereotypically how fathers are portrayed in British dramas. 

Name: Fran Long
Character: Jane (psychiatrist)
Reason for c
asting: She is a teacher from our school who actually deals with student help at an all girls school, and is therefore very appropriate and fits well into the role of a psychiatrist for a younger girl. Her usual outfit makes her appear smart as she wears simple work trousers and a jacket with glasses, so we are aware that she is of a higher status than Anna.

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