Wednesday 4 December 2013

Film Poster Final Credits

Amanda and Ade: These are our final credits. We stuck with the idea of monochrome colours, like the other posters we looked at. The only use of colour is on our production company logos. We did this because we wanted the three of them to stand out and be noticed. We, like the 'Darkness' poster that we found on google images, as mentioned before, because of the release date in bold lettering and the sizing of the credits. Continuity is something we've upheld as we kept some of the names we used within our coursework (it appears in the poster and the trailer). We made our credits more professional and modern by including different websites and linking our film to social networking sites as we understand that its a a good way of appealing and promoting our films to a wider audience. 

We also used a variation of text sizes to make our credits look more realistic and used a clear font 'Arial' from photoshop. We initially used the 'charcoal' font but then realised that it wasn't as clear as the 'Arial' font. Most film poster credits, like the end screen credits in our trailer, use a bold and simple font like 'Arial' or 'Times New Roman'. This is strict and professional. We want our work to look as professional as possible.

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