Sunday, 13 October 2013

Time Lapse Finally Worked!

The first time we filmed our time lapse we found that we couldn't see as many people as we'd hoped walking past and the effect wasn't made up as well when playing it sped up. This meant we had to re-film. After thinking over what went wrong last time, we decided to set the tripod and camera up in a separate location to last time, but still in our school courtyard because it was the busiest area between lessons. This time around, we put the camera right by the entrance into our main building block where the majority of people were heading to or coming out of. We then left the camera to film from the start of a new period until the last person had walked past. We found that a lot of people kept looking into the camera and asking us what we were filming for, but we told them to just carry on as usual otherwise the effect would have been ruined. After speeding up the video on Windows Movie Maker Live, I found that this video was a lot more successful than a first attempt. Despite our worry of a few people looking into the camera when we shot it, that goes completely unnoticed because the video is so fast. This time lapse worked in comparison to the other because students were in closer contact with the camera so you could associate who they were a lot better. The speedy affect of students walking along and showing time passing was finally achieved in this video and we hope to use it when it comes to our post-production stage. Here is our time-lapse!

Ade: We were more prepared when we began filming, we were more prepared this time. When we did our first attempt we realised that there were some minor flaws in our attempt preparation. Predominantly, the area of space in the courtyard was too wide and consequently, we didn't have the desired effect of the time lapse. However, this time we found an area more suitable for the scene. The entrance into our school's main block. As people rush to their different places, they are less likely to pay attention to the camera, but will be in hurry for their lessons, therefore, this time we didn't have a problem with people paying too much attention to the camera. We were also pleased with the lighting and there were sufficient amount of students to maker the time lapse work and create a busy lifestyle effect that we wanted. Clare, later went into Windows Movie Maker Live, and sped up the filming, making our time lapse successful. 


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